A Photograph and Its Story

 This photograph was taken in the summer of 2020 in Pichidangui and in it is my grandfather.

This photo is important to me as it was taken by me and my grandfather passed away in March 2021 and it is one of the few photos I have of him on my cell phone and it is also at the house on the beach that he loved to go to.

This photo was taken when my cell phone camera was having problems, from one day to the next it stopped focusing so it did not allow me to take photos but for a moment, I don't know how, but I focused and I was able to take this photo. From that summer I have no more photos than this on my cell phone because they all went wrong and it became a very special photo for me.


  1. Hello gabriela. I understand how you feel. I too have lost a loved one and I have very few pictures of him, but every picture I treasure. I send you a hug, goodbye.

  2. Hello Gabriela! That cute photo! I really understand the feeling behind it, since I also lost my grandparents in February and the photographs I have of them are something that I treasure with great affection. Greetings.

  3. Hello, I was nostalgic while I was reading to you, my grandmother passed away in 2020. And many times unnoticed moments pass, that over time become so special, like that day you took that beautiful photo. A hug.


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