Post 7 Carrer-Related Website OR An Expert on your Field

 This is a site that was used to study Histology, which is very important for two branches that we have in dentistry. This web page is an atlas of histology, where they allow us to see different sections, either general histology and special histology.

I like this site since we can select each topic that we need to study, for example, epithelial tissue, and a selection of different sections such as simple epithelium, pseudostratified, glandular, bone tissue, etc. opens up. screen where we can see the selected image at different resolutions, either x4, x20, x40, and also allows us, through a button that says labels, to be able to see results are the structures present in the images.

I visit this page every time I do not understand the cuts that we see in class, or when I need to study for tests and controls, the truth is that I do not enjoy it so much haha ​​but it makes studying and understanding a bit easier.


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